Our lives are defined by what we do. Often it is asked why do two people born at the same time and place lead different lives. The answer lies in their karma. The decisions that they take and what they choose to do outlines their future.
It is often said, ‘As you sow, so shall you reap’. This famous saying is an apt explanation of Karma. What we do, comes back to us. Karma not only means the deeds done in our past life, it also refers to the day to day actions and decisions taken by us. Whatever action we take today has a bearing on our life.
However it is not so that our bad karma cannot be reversed. By doing good deeds, we can alter the effects of our past mistakes. Astrology provides various remedies to undo our wrong doings and to improve our karma. Such remedies at least soften the effect, if not completely remove it.
The best remedies are the simplest. Feeding someone is one of the best remedy to alleviate your bad karma. Not only is it beneficial astrologically, it also makes one feel content from within. Feed those who are incapable of asking for food. A human can ask someone to feed them but animals and birds cannot. So, feed crows, pigeons, dogs and ants. Feeding the physically impaired is also an excellent remedy.
Keep following the blog to know more about how feeding a particular animal or bird impacts your chart and lessen the negative impact of the planets affecting you and your chart.