We often wish to know what a particular planet means in our horoscope. Each planet governs a particular aspect of our life. When they are positively placed, we get various positive results but when they are not so well placed, there may be certain ill-effects.
The extent of the positive or negative effects is also dependent on several other factors like the degree of their placements and the placements of other planets.
Below are the standalone effects of each planet when viewed individually.
When Sun is strong, it denotes high administrative positions in government, including politics, doctors in medicine, etc. It makes a person courageous and bestows administrative capabilities and gives a square body, majestic appearance and powerful speech.
When it is weak, it gives weak eyesight, headaches, erratic blood circulation, heart trouble, dental problems, bone fractures, fevers, blood pressure, baldness, neuralgia, bone cancer, weak immune system etc.
When the Moon is strong then the mothers will be having sufficient resources and will bring up the child and develop the child’s mental faculties in a peaceful manner. The native does not have to strive for acquiring status and it denotes affluence, receptivity, sensitivity, imagination, good memory, meritorious deeds and sound habits.
When it is weak, it gives a slim body. A full moon may give a plump body if it is connected with the ascendant or its lord in a powerful way, in isolation. Besides psychic problems, it causes sleep disorders, lethargy, drowsiness, lung problems, mouth problems, neurological disorders, digestive complains, blood disorders, enlargement of spleen, frequent cough and cold and weakness, etc.
When Mars is strong then it denotes thirst for action, passions, ambition, physical strength, goal directed energy, power to carry through, courage, bravery, heroism, competitive and fighting spirit and vigor.
When it is weak then it makes a person lacking in courage and unable to enjoy the help and comforts from the younger siblings. It causes inflammations, overheating, inability to tolerate hunger, wounds, burns, accidents, fractures, piles, liver complaints, skin rashes, operations, tumors, cancer in muscular parts of body when closely conjunct with Rahu.
When strong, Mercury helps the native to be a good communicator with intelligence, rationality, imagination, wit, skill, dexterity, verbal and mental ability, shrewdness, sound judgment, humor and flexibility.
When it is weak then it causes psychic diseases, insomnia, nervous breakdown, skin diseases, impotence, loss of memory or speech, deafness, asthma, disorders of intestines, indigestion etc. It also creates tensions in life, lack of confidence, situation of indecisiveness, etc.
When Jupiter is strong then it denotes the fields of top political and administrative positions, chairpersons of industrial establishments, contractors, financial advisors, bankers, king, lawyers, teachers, management experts and administrators etc. It bestows growth, expansion, optimism, faith, humor, idealism and good power of judgment.
When it is weak then it causes lymphatic and circulatory congestion, thrombosis, anemia, tumors, jaundice and other liver complaints, ear problems, asthma, diabetes etc.
Venus, when strong, denotes aesthetic sense, worldly knowledge and pursuits, psychic ability, potency, pleasures, correct behavior, luxury, beauty, friendliness, love, charm, gracefulness and refined sensuality.
When it is weak then it causes venereal diseases, urinary diseases, diabetes, anemia, stones in bladder or kidney, weakness of sexual organs, paralysis, asthma, impotence, loss of bodily luster etc.
When Saturn is strong then it denotes perfection. The native possesses the highest human qualities, spirituality, detachment, concentration, dutifulness, honesty, sincerity, stability, longevity, responsibility, constancy and consistency.
When it is weak then it causes constant and painful diseases, leg fracture, cancer, skin diseases, paralysis, arthritis, gout, emaciation, rickets, indigestion, insanity, numbness, windy diseases, impotence in men, asthma, retention of urine, intestinal obstruction etc.
When Rahu is strong then it denotes diplomatic jobs, jobs requiring manipulations with facts, computer programmers, engineering, pilots, professions involving juggling, and dealing in poison and drugs.
When it is weak then it causes diseases of phlegm, intestines, skin, nervous system, ulcers, blood pressure, heart trouble, psychic disturbances, insanity, leprosy, insect bite, and cancer etc.
When Ketu is strong then it denotes sudden burst of energy, discretion, liberation, universality, idealism, intuition, psychic ability, compassion, spirituality, self-sacrifice and subtlety.
When it is weak then it causes wounds, injuries, diseases in the spine and nervous system, surgery, ulcers, inflammations, fevers, intestinal diseases, mental aberration, low blood pressure, bad habits, skin diseases etc.
Most planets have associated remedies, which if followed religiously can help in reducing the negative or magnifying the positive impact.
Do consult best astrologer in Delhi before going ahead with any remedies.