Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.

Living in a world full of people who are bent on excelling and displaying their talents, skills and qualities isn’t easy, especially when we realize that we are incapable of competing with them.

So, do we sit down and drown ourselves in misery over our incompetence? Or should we at least try and do things that don’t require an MBA degree? (Which TBH not everyone has)

Well, you don’t always have to climb a mountain to get to your goals. Sometimes, the easiest things make the most difference. These things don’t necessarily require a certain talent but when imbibed in our lives could certainly help us lead a life worth savouring.

So, here’s a list of the easy to dos curated for you.

  1. Time is Money. So, stop being a sloth and show up on time.
  2. Make an effort. As they say, no gain without a little bit of pain.
  3. Stay energetic and uplifted. You’ll be amazed at the kind of difference this can make.
  4. Keep a positive mind and attitude. If you keep your face to the sunshine, you’ll never see a shadow. Your problems might still continue to surface but your response to them would be admirable.
  5. Be passionate. To succeed, you have to believe in something with such passion that it becomes a reality.
  6. A warm and relaxed body language will make you amiable. You’ll keep your head up and have a strong sense of self.
  7. Be open to new learning. Life still holds a bunch of pleasant surprises waiting to be unboxed.
  8. Excellence is achieved by going the extra mile. Do more than what is required. Your aim should be to lead and not just to follow.
  9. Being prepared and vigilant will keep you ready for whatever curve balls life has to throw your way.
  10. Have a strong work ethic as it further showcases your attitude towards all things important to you.


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